Indoor/Outdoor Wireless

Indoor Wireless

Xitell  CloudSelect® offering of WifiaaS offers a cloud option for your indoor wireless needs. Day to day changes on your wireless network can be cumbersome. Xitell WiFiaaS coupled with managed services takes this burden so you can focus on your productivity. Xitell 24x7 NOC Monitoring guarantees wireless availability, performance, and industry leading SLA’s.

Outdoor Wireless

Xitell managed fixed wireless network offers a managed carrier service for high-speed reliable wide area networking. Costs are controlled both by offering the highest bandwidth per dollar of any other network option available - no other network solution provides the performance and reliability for the same investment.

Xitell Communication uses only top quality wireless products and structures to support enterprise class carrier grade wireless network solutions. Sentinel offers wireless networks from industry leading vendors including:

  • Cisco Systems
  • Dragonwave
  • Redline Communication
  • EXalt

Offering both line of site, near line of site and non-line of site products, Xitell can design a wireless wide area network to cover nearly every customer environment. To ensure the highest availability, Xitell's network operations center provides continuous monitoring of critical network elements. Xitell offers various SLAs on customer premise equipment and can create a hybrid management solution offering hosted Wireless customers the ability to own and operate the components they want while assuring high availability by “wrapping” these elements in a fully managed and monitored service offering. Please contact us at for more information.

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Windows Inc.

inappropriate behavior is often laughed off as “boys will be boys,” women face higher conduct standards especially in the workplace. That’s why it’s crucial that, as women, our behavior on the job is beyond reproach. inappropriate behavior is often laughed off as “boys will be boys,”

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